Remember Ross Perot from the 1992 presidential race? — he ended up getting more than 18% of the popular vote, which made him the most successful third-party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912.
My recollections of him are fuzzy, but one thing I do remember is that the guy LOVED charts. And he was good at using them. He bought half-hour blocks of time in prime time, infomercial-style, and held forth on all sort of subjects, but especially the economy. (You may also remember that our last major economic downturn was around this time.) He pulled ratings that were competitive with sitcoms.
A few days ago a friend mentioned to me that he has a website. To be honest, I didn’t know he was still around. He is alive and well, and he still loves charts. He has a presentation on the challenges our country is facing — it is compelling, and definitely worth taking the time to view.