Did you know that, according to one study, 8,000 veterans a year commit suicide? We’re talking about men and women who have fought for our freedom and yet are unable to enjoy it for themselves. Needless to say, these are very sobering and tragic statistics. Meanwhile, approximately 1.2 million dogs are killed in shelters every year. Something needs to change. And now for some good news… K9s for Warriors is working hard to change both of those statistics.
K9s For Warriors is dedicated to providing service canines to warriors suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post 9/11. Our goal is to empower them to return to civilian life with dignity and independence.
– Source: www.k9sforwarriors.org
95% of the dogs trained by K9s for Warriors are rescue or shelter dogs. These are not happy-go-lucky puppies who have seen nothing of the world. Rather, they’ve seen a bit of the cruel side of life, just like the veterans they are trained to serve. So, the dogs are rescued and given a second chance at life so that they can in turn give hope and a reason to live for the veterans who have sacrificed their well-being for our freedom.
I ask you, can it get any better than that?
If you’re not already impressed with this remarkable organization, check out some of the testimonials or this letter.
And now for some really cool news – you can support K9s for Warriors and all the veterans it serves at a super fun fundraising event in Harrisonburg on July 23rd! The Fine Earth Adventure Race is an event you won’t want to miss.

For the very first time ever, the Harrisonburg Police Department SWAT obstacle course will be open to the public. So, grab a few buddies and see how you stack up on the course where Virginia’s top SWAT teams compete. Teams must have a minimum of 4 people (no maximum).
Or, if you’re like me and are already convinced that you can’t handle the SWAT course (at least I’m honest!) there are not one, but two alternative levels you can sign up for – beginner and intermediate. Your team will race together, help each other through obstacles, and must finish together.
You can create a team or purchase General Admission tickets if you’d rather just watch the action. Veterans and active Military personnel get in free.
If trying (or watching others try) the obstacle course isn’t enough, there will also be great food, family activities, and a concert by the Hackens Boys. So basically, you get to have a really enjoyable day while supporting our veterans and helping to rescue dogs… I would call that a win-win…-win kind of situation.
I asked Chad Layman, the even coordinator, what he was most excited about for this event. Here’s what he said:
I am most excited about seeing our community come together for a greater cause. It is amazing to see so many individuals and businesses from the Valley, donate money and time to literally save Veterans lives and rescue dogs from kill shelters.
My role is the event coordinator and my business is the title sponsor. I believe so much in this cause, that my business Fine Earth, donated $33,000. I have never served in our military or been in combat, but I have experienced severe depression, anxiety and hopelessness. A lot of people helped me in those very dark times, and now I just want to do my part, to make sure no one has to suffer alone.
Check out the event website for more details and to register. If you can’t make it to the actual event, you can always donate to the cause!
I am interested in finding out more about your group, and would like to
donate. Am a retired Virginia State Humane investigator, and am
especially fond of German Shepherds. Always have a rescued shepherd.
The one I presently have has been so badly damaged by mistreatment, that she will let no one near her but me. I never experienced this before with a shepherd.
I would like to help veterans AND the animals!! Please send me any info.
Best regards,
Mollie McCurdy