Special thanks to Cari Orebaugh for sending us info on the exciting things happening at the Rockingham County Fair this August!
With summer in full swing and many activities back in a more normal routine, the community is enjoying many things that were absent over the past eighteen months. At the Rockingham County Fair, we know you’ve missed the gathering, the grandstand and the midway – just to name a few! On August 16 through the 21st, the Rockingham County Fair will operate within current guidelines for a full fair experience with the theme “Meet Me At The Fair!” With timeless favorites like the animal shows, homemaking contests, midway rides and food of all kinds, as well as new acts and adventures – the fair week will not disappoint!

New this year, the Pepsi Grandstand will host the gospel concert on Sunday, August 15 with Jimmy Fortune, The Isaacs and Brotherly Love. Monday through Wednesday night in the grandstand will be rockin’ with Tracy Lawrence, Jimmy Allen with Matt Stell, and HARDY with The Hackens Boys. At the end of the week, the grandstand will be roarin’ with the sound of motorsports as the Diesel Drag, Demo Derby and Tractor Pull round out the week. Get your tickets online at https://www.rockinghamcountyfair.com/p/tickets or call the office at 888-212-3258.

The grandstand will be busy, and so will the grounds! With lots of free entertainment, national acts and shows, antique tractor display, livestock shows, the agriculture education area and so much more, there’s always a lot to do with only a gate admission.