We are delighted to welcome Mallory Burrell, Chris Cohen, and Danielle Heckman to the Wilson Downtown Gallery for February and March! These first and second year MFA candidates from the School of Art, Design, and Art History have combined various mediums and themes to create INTERstate. Please join us for the First Fridays artist reception Friday March 2nd from 5-8pm.
Thoughts from Mallory: Responding to the fascination and glory I find in the small and unique, as well as the bold and powerful, my art is rooted in a reverence for our natural world, and feature different species and varieties of plants and animals that are distinct and wondrous….It is my goal with this work to change the narrative, and to create a dialogue where the animals and plant matter depicted are more than just mere ornament for human consump-tion. Foxes, chipmunks, butterflies, honeybees, rabbits, and on and on each link in the web is important, and life on Earth as we know it hangs on the ballot.
Chris Cohen combines both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art in his work.
Danielle shares some thoughts on her work: By assemblaging diverse objects like family portraits found in antique malls, cast off cardboard boxes and secondhand objects, I ask the viewer to consider what a non traditional and nonlinear ancestry might look like….The intention of the large scale of the installation is to magnify the time the viewer spends with the miniature heirloom vignettes.