
A Brief On The Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC)

If you keep up with real estate news, you’ve surely heard about the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC). If you don’t keep up with that stuff, you’re in the right place! Here is a brief summary on what this is, what it means to you, and how things are...

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Home Prices Fall Slowly. But Why?

I just read an incredible article entitled “Why Home Prices May Keep Falling” published by the New York Times. It describes, in pretty good detail, why home prices fall, and fall slowly. The most interesting part of the article is when the author describes the points of view held by...

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Rent-to-Own: Is It a Good Choice?

Renting-to-own is an option that many have been considering lately, especially with the economy the way it is. So, what are the pros and cons of this option? Is it a good choice for you? These deals, also called rent-to-own and lease-option, usually require buyers to pay extra rents each...

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Use the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit for Down Payment

By now you’ve probably heard all about the $8,000 first time home buyer tax credit passed by Congress a few months ago. Before now, though, folks couldn’t use the $8,000 toward a down payment because they’d have to file their tax returns in order to receive the credit. Shaun Donovan,...

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