It depends on your situation. If you absolutely must sell now (or start trying now) due to your financial situation, by all means, put your house on the market! Be sure to price it right and talk to a real estate agent you trust beforehand. There are some buyers searching...
What Appraisers Look For in Determining Home Values
Appraisers play an important role in the real estate industry. Once a contract is in place on a home, an appraiser — usually sent by the lender due to loan requirements — goes to the home, walks through and around it, and makes notes on the property to determine the...
The Difference Between a Foreclosure and a Short Sale
Lets face it, the economy is cold, bad, not fun right now. When the economy goes sour, so does the financial welfare of most of us. For the housing market, this means that many folks need to sell their homes, foreclose, or do a short sale. What is the difference...
Remodeling To Gain Higher Resale Value
Many homeowners are using these troubled economic times to spend money on remodeling and redesign. Why spend money now? Because construction materials are cheap! Plus, more and more folks are doing projects themselves, saving a bundle on labor costs, and gaining satisfaction in their own hard work. Some homeowners might...
What is Curb Appeal, and How Do I Get It?
Curb appeal is the degree to which your home looks beautiful from the street. Does your home look clean? Is your landscaping ship-shape? Are your walkways swept? Is your carport uncluttered? It is essential to have great curb appeal when listing your home (and it is nice to have when...
More Amped Up Marketing For Home Sellers
We, The Harrisonburg Homes Team, offers the best customized marketing plans for our home sellers in this area. And as if that wasn’t enough — we do like to stay ahead of the curve, you know — our brokerage, Kline May Realty, has given us even more marketing ammo. We...