Harrisonburg Neighborhood Tour: Holiday Hills

The Holiday Hills neighborhood, located just Northwest of the intersection of Route 33 and Route 42 in Harrisonburg, is a great place to live. Highlights of this area include Waterman Elementary School, Red Front Supermarket (which now delivers groceries!), and Morrison Park. This park has a walking track, soccer fields,...

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Red Front Grocery Store Launches Home Delivery Service

Red Front Supermarket, locally-owned and located between Downtown Harrisonburg and EMU (just north of Waterman Elementary School) in the Holiday Hills neighborhood, is launching a new home delivery service. Shoppers can now place orders online or call a toll free number and Red Front will deliver the groceries. Talk about...

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Apartments and Long-Term Rentals in Harrisonburg

Moving to the area? Know of someone who is? Sold your house and need somewhere to stay? Visiting for quite a few months? There are numerous reasons that one might need a long-term rental. The reality is that many folks these days are in need of a rental, so we...

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Abundance in Flavor at The Harrisonburg Farmers Market

Wow. I went to the Harrisonburg Farmers Market this morning and was blown away by the many options in locally grown produce, handmade crafts, baked goods, apple cider, organic fair trade coffee, and more. After purchasing some homemade rosemary potato bread from Staff of Life Baking Company, I headed over...

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