Harrisonburg Real Estate Market Report: April 2018 [INFOGRAPHIC]

It feels like 2018 is flying by...how is it May already? In our current market report, new listings are up by 23% as compared to last April. When a home hits the market, it doesn't stay there for long. The average days on market has continued to drop drastically in 2018—25%—from 98 to 83. The median sales price has shot up to $203,000—7% from 2017! Read on to find out more...

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New in Town: Friendly City Pedicab

Need a fun and quick way to get around downtown? Well - you're in luck. The Friendly City Pedicab has just started pedaling around the Burg specializing in short trip transportation. Matt Hassman is your tour and pedaling extraordinaire and has made Harrisonburg his adopted home. Read on to learn more and see a short video of our ride!

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Swimming in the Valley

It's finally Spring and we're starting to dream about Summer already. Why not be prepared for the heat and have plenty of ideas of places for summer splashing? One of our Agents, Peyton Miller, has written a guest blog post on the best swimming pools and holes in the area!

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Harrisonburg Real Estate Market Report: March 2018 [INFOGRAPHIC]

It's April already and we're seeing sales increase slightly from last year. However, new listings are down and falling short by 22%, as compared to last year.  When a home hits the market, it doesn't stay there for long. The average days on market has continued to drop drastically in 2018—26%—from 112 to 83. Read on to find out more...

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Community Event: Downstage Downtown Community Theater Fest

The Valley Playhouse - Harrisonburg's Community Theater - is hosting a Valley-wide community theater festival on March 31st at Court Square Theater in downtown Harrisonburg. The evening will include selected scenes from the area's community theater organizations before a panel of judges, live and silent auctions items, and dinner at Capital Ale House (or around downtown). This is the first event of this type hosted by the Valley Playhouse.

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The Great Community Give

The Great Community Give is the first ever community wide online giving day event hosted by The Community Foundation. It will take place on April 18th from 6:30am to 8pm. The money raised will support 59 local partner nonprofit organizations. Community members are encouraged to participate by giving to a nonprofit of their choice through www.greatcommunitygive.org on that day. Amanda Bomfim, the coordinator of the event, was kind enough to answer our questions.

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