Area Parks: A Dream Come True Playground

For the third park in our Area Parks Series we visited the always colorful and aptly named A Dream Come True Playground. This park really is a dream come true, not only because of the fantastic and extensive play equipment, but because it all started with a small Girl Scout Troop who had a big dream. They dreamed of a playground where all children, regardless of age or abilities could truly play side by side. Now that’s a dream worth fighting for! After 9 years, this fully accessible and inclusive park was a reality.

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Harrisonburg’s SE Connector Project: The End is in Sight

The Harrisonburg SE Connector is nearing completion, with a 6.1 mile stretch of road connecting Route 42 and Route 33 East, making crossing the county less of a hassle and more of a beautiful thing. Not only will the commute be shorter, but it allows for access to more businesses -- locally- and nationally-owned alike.

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Harrisonburg Real Estate Market Report: June 2015

Halfway through the year, the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County real estate market is experiencing positive growth. Buyers are leveraging their purchasing power, and homeowners are able to sell quickly and at 96% of their final asking price. Get the specifics in our market report!

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Wilson Downtown Gallery: Swartz Photography

The next featured local artist at Wilson Downtown Gallery (the office of The Harrisonburg Homes Team) is Swartz Photography. They'll be displaying stunning photos of our gorgeous Shenandoah Valley during July and August. Stop by during First Fridays on July 3 for a free artist reception and refreshments!

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Refreshing & Sweet: Bridgewater Staycation at Ashby Pool

Most people have driven past Ashby Recreation Area (ARA) -- known to many as "Ashby Pool" -- a thousand times without giving it a second thought. But I ask you to stop and consider the possibility of a sweet, refreshing spot for the whole family to hang out during the summer months. Tucked away off Mount Crawford Avenue in Bridgewater, drive up the private street and into a wide open space with peaceful countryside views adjacent to endless greenery. Behold, a fabulous little known members-only pool and recreation area that has been around for over fifty years.

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