Scrabble — a competitive word game for people of all ages to enjoy — was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame ten years ago. To mark this anniversary, to raise funds for education programs at Skyline Literacy, and to just plain have fun, area residents can compete this...
Bluegrass Jam Sessions Return to Elkton
The Blue Ridge Mountains and foothills of eastern Rockingham County have an amazing history of Appalachian Music development, with bluegrass music jams dating back to the 1730s. These jams are considered the bread and butter of a Shenandoah Valley music heritage. Now all can enjoy, and even participate in (if...
Harrisonburg Area Real Estate Market Report: January 2014
So some of our faithful blog readers enjoy data and charts, and others just don’t. We get it. Poring over numbers isn’t for everyone. This became wildly obvious to us last month when we created an infographic portraying the key market stats rather than only showing our usual tables and...
JMU Exhibit Shows How Harrisonburg was Affected by Urban Renewal Project in 1960s
Photographs were discovered at the Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority documenting which buildings were destroyed in an Urban Renewal Project during the 1960s. These photographs are now part of an exhibit entitled What Was Lost: Urban Renewal in 1960s Harrisonburg that James Madison University’s Institute for Visual Studies created. In...
Rocktown Beer & Music Festival: April 26, 2014
The craft beer will be flowing and the live music will be amped up at the 4th annual Rocktown Beer & Music Festival at Turner Pavilion in downtown Harrisonburg. This is always a sold out event, so get your tickets now! Here are the details: Rocktown Beer & Music Festival...
Things Every First Time Homebuyer Should Know
Buying your first home can be a very intimidating life event. However, there are things you can do to make it less nerve racking and more of what it should be…fun and exciting. The best way to eliminate fear is through education, so obviously the first step is already being...