Your home is likely one of your largest assets. It is important to care for your home well, both for generally enjoying living there and from a re-sale perspective. We know that it can seem a bit overwhelming to try and get everything done on a house to properly maintain it while the rest of life is happening. So, we’ve literally laid it out for you in a checklist format with monthly tasks.
Simply print off our Annual Maintenance Schedule [click image below or download it here], keep it somewhere safe and reachable (perhaps hanging in your mudroom or on the side of your fridge or inside a closet door?), and complete the tasks laid out before you.
There are a handful of items to accomplish each month, so tackling one or two at a time — rather than all in one day — might work better for you. How you finish these tasks is up to you. The point is, your home needs attention because it works hard for you and in the end, good maintenance will save you money.
Bonus tips //
- We’ve added blank spaces so you can add tasks as you see fit throughout the year.
- Set a recurring monthly reminder on your phone to check the Annual Maintenance Schedule so nothing goes by the wayside.
- Find a trusty handyman to tackle items you don’t feel comfortable handling on your home. (If you need suggestions, check out this list of our favorite local pros.)
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