Woohoo! You've found "the one" and your home search is over! You just signed a contract to buy the house, but now what happens?? Getting ready to move can be overwhelming and stressful, but thankfully the anticipation of living in a new place pushes you onward. And, BONUS, we help our clients with this everyday, so we know exactly what you need to do to get from point A to point B!
The Real World of Real Estate: Video Tips, Advice, and Answers with a Hilarious Host
Zach Koops is a creative, smart, funny agent on our team. He joined back in 2013 and has added so much zest and infectious passion for real estate (and customer service!) ever since. As a way to educate clients, Zach has taken his knowledge and melded it with creativity to produce a series of videos called, "The Real World of Real Estate."
How Does a Real Estate Agent Get Paid?
A real estate market couldn't survive without property, right? So here's how it works. A homeowner (or landowner) wants to sell. The property gets put on the real estate market at a specified price, with an agreement to pay any real estate agents involved in the transaction a percentage of the final sales price.
How Zillow’s Acquisition Of Trulia Affects You
We all know the saying, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” Well, Zillow has done more than just join Trulia – on Tuesday, July 29, it was announced that Zillow will be acquiring its rival, which will make it the main contender in the online real estate shopping world....
How Zillow’s Acquisition Of Trulia Affects You
We all know the saying, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” Well, Zillow has done more than just join Trulia – on Tuesday, July 29, it was announced that Zillow will be acquiring its rival, which will make it the main contender in the online real estate shopping world....
Why I Became a REALTOR®
When most people think of real estate agents, certain words come to mind. Greedy, arrogant, dishonest, sneaky…just to name a few. I’m pretty sure that on a national level, we’re considered to be just a hair above a used car salesman when it comes to rating the profession. So why would...