More and more folks are going local these days, which includes the desire to buy locally grown produce and handmade goods from local residents. If that option isn’t available, most people are looking to do good by purchasing goods that are fairly traded and/or help the less-fortunate. Lucky for us,...
Harrisonburg Neighborhood Tour: Avalon Woods
Avalon Woods is a townhome community located in close proximity to city conveniences. This neighborhood has a number of homes with impressive views of the hillside and Harrisonburg. Some back up to green space, some have garages, some have decks, some have patios, some have basements, some have three bedrooms,...
Real Estate Maps Showcase Home Values, Neighborhood Info, and More
Maps, back in the day, were used primarily for navigating from Point A to Point B, but since the online world has become this diverse, interactive playground full of really cool tools, maps have taken on a whole new role. Maps can show us information about neighborhoods, schools, home values...
Remodeling To Gain Higher Resale Value
Many homeowners are using these troubled economic times to spend money on remodeling and redesign. Why spend money now? Because construction materials are cheap! Plus, more and more folks are doing projects themselves, saving a bundle on labor costs, and gaining satisfaction in their own hard work. Some homeowners might...
6 Simple Green Tips For Your Home & Garden
Decreasing your environmental footprint is not only the “cool” thing to do these days, but it is also extremely smart. Going green can be simple and quick! If you would like to save some money and make a better impact on our planet (and who doesn’t want to do that?),...
Harrisonburg Neighborhood Tour: Monte Vista Estates
Monte Vista Estates is one of the newest neighborhoods on the west side of Harrisonburg (but outside city limits), with homes built in the 2000s up to the present day. Prices range from about $300,000 to $400,000–with a few over $500,000. This neighborhood is in the Turner Ashby High School...