Tag: Fun

Good Fall Fun at Hess Corn Maze!

Fall is a wonderful season. It brings cooler temperatures, crisp air, changing colors, football, the smell of wood smoke, pumpkins, and corn mazes! Be sure to check out Hess Corn Maze, located on the Northwest end of Harrisonburg. Their opening day is this Saturday, August 29th, and they are open...

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Things To Do in Harrisonburg With Kids

Specializing in relocation gives us an opportunity to show newcomers what Harrisonburg has to offer. There are many times that folks want to know what there is to do in our area in terms of entertainment, especially with regards to kids. So I’ve come up with a list of things...

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The Unbelievably Bad Real Estate Photos Hall of Fame

If I had to pick the most important factor in selling a home, it would be photography — hands down. (In this slow market, 2nd would be pricing.) 21st-century home buyers shop primarily on the internet, and the photos they see are what they use to rule a property in...

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