We like to call Cathi our "secret weapon," because she can transform any home into a remarkably photogenic listing. Every home she touches turns into this beautiful, sparkling piece of art that our professional photographers and videographer enjoy capturing from every angle. Cathi's eye for showing off the house as a home is impeccable.
How Does a Real Estate Agent Get Paid?
A real estate market couldn't survive without property, right? So here's how it works. A homeowner (or landowner) wants to sell. The property gets put on the real estate market at a specified price, with an agreement to pay any real estate agents involved in the transaction a percentage of the final sales price.
How Zillow’s Acquisition Of Trulia Affects You
We all know the saying, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” Well, Zillow has done more than just join Trulia – on Tuesday, July 29, it was announced that Zillow will be acquiring its rival, which will make it the main contender in the online real estate shopping world....
How Zillow’s Acquisition Of Trulia Affects You
We all know the saying, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” Well, Zillow has done more than just join Trulia – on Tuesday, July 29, it was announced that Zillow will be acquiring its rival, which will make it the main contender in the online real estate shopping world....
Why I Became a REALTOR®
When most people think of real estate agents, certain words come to mind. Greedy, arrogant, dishonest, sneaky…just to name a few. I’m pretty sure that on a national level, we’re considered to be just a hair above a used car salesman when it comes to rating the profession. So why would...
The Most Important Marketing Tool For Selling Your Home? Great Photos.
You’ve heard it before. Top notch photography really makes a difference in marketing your home to buyers. Poor quality, very few, or no photos will deter potential buyers from your home, even if your home is a standout in a desirable neighborhood close to all the amenities you could possibly...