We like to call Cathi our "secret weapon," because she can transform any home into a remarkably photogenic listing. Every home she touches turns into this beautiful, sparkling piece of art that our professional photographers and videographer enjoy capturing from every angle. Cathi's eye for showing off the house as a home is impeccable.
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How Does a Real Estate Agent Get Paid?
A real estate market couldn't survive without property, right? So here's how it works. A homeowner (or landowner) wants to sell. The property gets put on the real estate market at a specified price, with an agreement to pay any real estate agents involved in the transaction a percentage of the final sales price.
Introducing House Stories: Every Home Has a History… We’re Here to Tell the Story
The Shenandoah Valley is rich with history, most widely known for the American Civil War… but have you ever wondered about the homes that are nestled in this luscious valley? Some have been around for hundreds of years, while others have just been constructed. House Stories, just launched by The Harrisonburg Homes...
Why I Became a REALTOR®
When most people think of real estate agents, certain words come to mind. Greedy, arrogant, dishonest, sneaky…just to name a few. I’m pretty sure that on a national level, we’re considered to be just a hair above a used car salesman when it comes to rating the profession. So why would...
New Team Member: Emily Marsh, Client Care Coordinator
We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Emily Marsh! She is a smart, young Valley “transplant,” who married into a local family, and works for us as a Client Care Coordinator. Her role on the team is to assist in planning events at our downtown office,...
Kline May Realty Welcomes Zach Koops to The Harrisonburg Homes Team
With a new year always comes new possibilities, and 2014 is no exception. Our team is excited to welcome Zach Koops, a JMU graduate (’06) who is a funny, hip, intelligent guy, and passionate about his new career with The Harrisonburg Homes Team. Read on to get to know him...