Introducing… Video Tours!

Video tours of homes are the hot new thing in real estate marketing, and in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County are an extremely new way to market properties. We have been working on getting video tours up and running on our residential listings for about a year. We finally have it...

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Every Homeowner Should Schedule Regular Termite Inspections

Termites. That word sends chills down my spine. When I hear “termites” I visualize the termites chewing up my home in a matter of seconds — sort of like on cartoons. They don’t eat through homes that fast, but they can cause some serious damage. So to keep your home...

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Bypass Around Bridgewater May Be Approved

The discussion of constructing a bypass around the Town of Bridgewater is back on the table after 24 years of contemplation. Residents of Bridgewater are mostly in agreement that this bypass needs to be built, but opposition is coming from those just outside of Bridgewater town limits. The Town of...

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Clear Explanation of the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit

Real estate agents have been asked many questions about the new First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit, so here is a clear explanation of what it is, who qualifies, and how those who qualify get their money. To read up on the background of this tax credit, read our previous...

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Rosetta Stone Going Public

This month, Rosetta Stone — language software provider — will go public! This will be one of very few companies in the US thus far in 2009 that have gone public. Rosetta Stone is set to sell 6.25 million shares and will be listed in the New York Stock Exchange...

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Cleaning Up Harrisonburg

Saturday, April 11th has been nominated as the day for clean up in Harrisonburg this year. Blacks Run/Downtown Clean Up Day is a time for volunteers to work hard to clean up our city. Last year, volunteers picked up 1.86 tons of trash from Downtown and Blacks Run! So gather...

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