Harrisonburg Real Estate Market Report [INFOGRAPHIC]: January 2016

The local real estate market is remarkably positive. Every single category for the year-over-year column is trending positively, and we couldn't be more thrilled. What a way to start 2016! See the infographic, get the stats, read our key takeaways, and check out one of our latest (super stylish) listings in Bridgewater.

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Wilson Downtown Gallery: Stoney Run Artisans Gallery

For our next two-month installment at the Wilson Downtown Gallery, we are thrilled to have four artisans from Stoney Run Artisans Gallery displaying their beautiful and diverse artwork. These artists range in skills from nature photography to interior design to repurposed art to pencil drawings, making this a wonderfully eclectic and unique show.

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The Design Corner: How to Prepare Your House to Sell 101

Our design expert, Cathi Anne, has shared with us her tried and true tips for getting your home ready to sell. These are general tips that can be done on any home. For more specific advice about your particular home, you'll just have to invite Cathi over and let her work her magic on your space. But, in the meantime, use these helpful tips to get you started!

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14 Best Places in Harrisonburg to Host a Child’s Birthday Party

Kids of all ages enjoy living in the Harrisonburg area. Who wouldn't? There are so many exciting happenings in this blissful Valley we call home, with new fun events and places popping up every year geared just toward the younger generation. And, you know, every kid has a birthday. Here is a list of our favorite places in Harrisonburg to host a super fun child's birthday party!

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(Not) Just Another Day: The 24 Hour Project

For the third year in a row, Court Square Theater is embarking on the impressive undertaking of a continuous 24 hours of entertainment. That's right - for 24 straight hours starting at 5:00 on January 22nd, you can stop into Court Square Theater to catch some local performers, comedians, poets, dancers, and musicians showcasing their skills. To learn a little more about the workings of this endurance project, we turned to the expert - Mark Finks, Theater Manager of Court Square Theater.

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Give Your Home a Long Life Using This Annual Maintenance Schedule [printable]

Your home is likely one of your largest assets. It is important to care for your home well, both from a living situation and from a re-sale perspective. We know that it can seem a bit overwhelming to try and get everything done on a house to properly maintain it while the rest of life is happening. So, we've literally laid it out for you in a checklist format with monthly tasks. Print our Annual Maintenance Schedule!

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