Tag: downtown harrisonburg

withSimplicity: A Dream, an Airstream, a Clean Beauty

withSimplicity is a new business housed in the Airstream you may have noticed parked downtown. This exquisitely adorable, beautifully renovated trailer is home to a wide assortment of home-made, organic beauty products. It is an absolutely must-visit kind of shop.

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Making a Difference in Our Backyard – Vine & Fig: The New Community Project in Harrisonburg

I had the privilege of spending a short time at Vine & Fig, site of the New Community Project in Harrisonburg, to talk with Tom Benevento and others who work and live on the site. I was awed by the knowledge and intelligence of these people, inspired by their commitment to live uncompromisingly on their principles, and humbled by the selfless way they provide resources for and care about those in need. Read on to get a brief overview of what they're doing at the Vine & Fig site and throughout the community.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Attend HDR’s Renaissance Night

We love our downtown and we love the work that Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance has done to make Harrisonburg a vibrant, unique, and developing place. Every year HDR throws a big party (aka Renaissance Night) to raise funds and celebrate downtown. We think this is a great event and we're passionate about supporting the downtown we love - so, this year The Harrisonburg Homes Team is the main sponsor of Renaissance Night. We're going to the event and we think you should too! We'll give you 6 reasons why you should clear your evening on Saturday, May 21st and attend Renaissance Night.

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Harrisonburg Time Capsule Reveal

On April 26, 2016, around 100 people gathered on the Court House lawn to witness the unearthing of a 50-year-old piece of history. The group of onlookers gathered around the stairs of the Court House as the time capsule was opened. Here's a recap of what was found inside, with photos from the event!

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50-Year-Old Harrisonburg Time Capsule Reveal

The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 100th anniversary on April 26th. To commemorate their century of service to the community, a little piece of history will be revealed on the Court House Lawn at 2:15pm. A time capsule that was buried in 1966 will be dug up and its contents rediscovered. We know that there is a lengthy list of items in the time capsule, but no one knows exactly what's inside... five decades has a way of erasing such memories.

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