On April 26, 2016, around 100 people gathered on the Court House lawn to witness the unearthing of a 50-year-old piece of history. The group of onlookers gathered around the stairs of the Court House as the time capsule was opened. Here's a recap of what was found inside, with photos from the event!
The Design Corner: Inspiration for Your Walls
Your walls comprise a large portion of your home. Think of them as a giant blank canvas on which you get to decorate. We’ve compiled 15 fabulous ideas to help jump-start your creative juices for decorating vertically + tips for actually getting it done.
50-Year-Old Harrisonburg Time Capsule Reveal
The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 100th anniversary on April 26th. To commemorate their century of service to the community, a little piece of history will be revealed on the Court House Lawn at 2:15pm. A time capsule that was buried in 1966 will be dug up and its contents rediscovered. We know that there is a lengthy list of items in the time capsule, but no one knows exactly what's inside... five decades has a way of erasing such memories.
Tasks to Complete Before Your Home is Shown to Potential Buyers [Printable Checklist]
You’ve done a ton of work to get your home ready to sell. The photos have been taken, the video tour is published, and you are proud of how amazing it all looks! Now that your home is officially on the market, agents want to show your beautiful home to their buyer clients. Don’t panic! We know it is hard to live in a home while its for sale. Keeping it pristine all the time can cause overwhelm. But, what if it didn’t have to be that way? Our printable pre-showing checklist + bonus tips will ease your stress.
Bridgewater Mini Golf & Summer Activities Coming Soon!
Bridgewater, Virginia, has worked hard over the past few years to provide a variety of fun activities for folks of all ages -- both for residents and visitors alike. The Town of Bridgewater recently published their fiscal year budget for 2017, announcing a new mini golf course and exciting summer events to start up very soon! If you are searching for more fun things to do in our beautiful pocket of the Valley, become a fan of Bridgewater. There's no shortage of excitement!
JMU’s Lifelong Learning Institute Celebrates 20 Years
Have you always enjoyed learning new things, taking special field trips, reading up on new topics, meeting new friends, and creating things with your own two hands? James Madison University's Outreach & Engagement department has been providing all of the above to local adults for the past 20 years. If you fall into this category, you may want to check out JMU's Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI)!